Frequently Asked Questions
I get a warning or error message when running SPLATCHE, where can I find more details about the problem?
When SPLATCHE2 is run, it generates automatically a log file called splatche.log which contains full warning and error message.
How do I know when a simulation (demographic or genetic) is terminated ?
The graphical version displays a status bar (in blue) during the demographic simulation. When the simulation duration of the Demographic simulations panel is indicated by a number of seconds, the simulation is finished. Still using the graphical version, when all genetic simulations are terminated, the text "Simulations are over" is written in the Status box of the Coalescent simulation panel. The console version indicates in the log file when both demographic and genetic simulations are terminated.
I get the error message "error in building world". What is wrong?
This error occurs when there is a problem with the setting files. First check in the log file if there is more information about the problem. Then, check carefully that the path (relative or absolute) for the settings files which are written in the main setting file are correct and the related files exist.
Should I use slash "/" or backslash "\" in the path of the files indicated in the main setting file ?
We recommend that slash "/" is used in any case because it works with all systems (Windows and Unix) while backslash "\" only works on Windows.